I had the opportunity to spend last evening with one of our small groups. I have to tell you, it was a real joy. My position at University requires a lot of time in an administration role and it is refreshing to just be with people who are trying to connect with God and figure out what God is doing in their lives. Small group ministry is a real passion of mine. I believe that real transformation occurs when people gather around God's word. Small groups also provide for a caring community that many people are lacking in the increasingly more complex world we live in.
My first priority at University is to launch our new core curriculum and discipleship process which will be revealed during our upcoming sermon series, "University for Life." But part of the process and work of discipleship depends on small groups. So, next on my list will be working to create, enrich, grow, sustain and coach more small groups. I am looking forward to that work!
Prepare the Way for the Lord [Paperback]
3 months ago