I read the Bible in a number of ways. On thing I like to do on occasion is to read all the way through. I tend to do this starting in four places. I start at the beginning of Genesis, the beginning of Psalms, the beginning of Matthew and the beginning of Romans. I try to read a little bit from each starting point each day. It keeps me from getting too bogged down in any one part of the Bible or getting burned out on one specific genre. In an effort to hold myself accountable, I am posting a section on where I am and how it is going. On the right side of the blog, you will see, "Where in the Bible is Will?" I am not going to update it every day since that process itself would be too time consuming, but I will try to update it a couple of time a week so you can see how I am progressing and read along if you like. You will see I got a little head start, so if you want to join me in my journey, you better get reading.
Prepare the Way for the Lord [Paperback]
3 months ago