Friday, September 10, 2010

Review: O Me of Little Faith

If you are a regular reader of the blog, you might notice that I don’t offer a lot of overly critical book reviews. Let me tell you why. I only really bother to post about books that I like and that I think you might like to read. So, if there is a book that I think carries a lot of literary or theological flaws, I usually just don’t post anything about it. There are plenty of places on the internet to read thorough, critical reviews. Just not here.

That is my preface to writing another glowing review. I just finished Jason Boyett’s, O Me of Little Faith. And as you might expect to hear, given the preface, I loved it. I ordered this book when it first came out but my wife stole it from my amazon box and drove me a little crazy as she lay in bed reading it and laughing out loud. She was laughing because this is indeed a funny book but it is about a most serious topic: doubt. As a pastor, people speak to me about doubt in tones more hushed than the ones that they use for speaking about breaking commandments. Boyett does us all a service by loudly proclaiming that doubt is at the core of his struggle to be a faithful disciple. Right on the back cover of the book, he proclaims, for even the bookstore browser to see:

I have been a Christian for most of my life. But there are times – an uncomfortable frequency of times, to be honest – when I’m not entirely sure I believe in God.

There always seem to be a caveat in my reviews and recommendations. Here is one for this book. If the above quote offends you or makes you nervous, you can skip this book. (Though it might actually do you a lot of good to read it.) However, if it leaves you thinking to yourself, “Oh thank you! I am not the only one!” this book might be worth a little bit more than the $10 you will shell out for it. (Unless you pay $12.99 for it. But really, you are still paying full price for books? But then again, it really would by worth even that.)

I just can’t say enough how much I enjoyed the book. As a man who spent 27 years as a seeker and spends his time helping people to grow as disciples, it was refreshing to hear an honest account of one who has some serious questions about God, scripture, prayer and the life of a Christian – but still does his best to take that “leap of faith” and trust that he doesn’t have to have it all worked out in order to live a life with God.

You can read more about Jason Boyett at You can follow him on twitter: @jasonboyett.



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