Sunday, February 7, 2010

Memorization Tips

During this portion of Season with the Savior, we are emphasizing the discipline of memorizing scripture. You can read more about what is behind it in another post: Memorizing Scripture.

I promised a little guidance for those who have never done it before, so here it is: (Note, the scripture reference below is in the New Revised Standard Version of The Bible, the text read on the South Campus. For our North Campus worshippers, your weekly memory verse is in the New International Version.)

  1. Realize that you can do it – I nearly dropped out of seminary when they told me everything I would need to memorize. However, I stuck to it. Memorization is harder for some people; but you can do this. We are starting out with some short passages and working our way up.
  2. Set aside a little time every day If you already have time set apart from prayer and scripture reading every day, this can be part of it. If you do not, you really should and this is a great way to get started.
  3. Don’t forget the reference – This week, we are memorizing Matthew 6:33. Just say that over and over until you remember it.
  4. Figure out the gist of the passage – It is harder to memorize a seemingly random set of words. So read the passage a few times through aloud and think about what it means. Don’t forget the reference. Say it out loud, “Matthew 6:33 - But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
  5. Start memorizing - I am going to give an A and B because people are wired differently. I realize there is a C, D, E, etc. I am going to leave that for the comment section. I will lay out two ways, and oral method and a written method.
    1. Oral – Write the verse down on a small piece of paper or use the tear-off that you received in worship. This is pretty simple. Start repeating the verse over and over. “Matthew 6:33 – But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” After a couple times, see how far you get before looking at the paper. If you do this enough times, you will stop looking at the paper altogether. Keep the paper with you. Put it in your pocket, wallet or purse. When you have a moment, try reciting the passage and if you get stuck pull out the paper. Don’t forget the reference.
    2. Written – This is pretty much the same thing. Take out a sheet of paper and start writing the verse. “Matthew 6:33 – But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” This is my method and I tried all sorts of tricks in school. For instance, after I wrote it a few times, I would cover up what I just wrote with another sheet of paper so I could try it without any help.
  6. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat. Spend a few minutes every day and you will start getting it.

There are lots of tips and tricks. In many ways, memorizing scripture is like memorizing anything else. You just need to find something that will get the connections going in your brain and you need to work at it. I would love to hear some other tips that you have found useful. It was also be great to hear how it going. Feel free to share from your own joys and struggles as we memorize scripture together.



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