As I mentioned in my last post, the first time leading worship in a new place with new people can be a bit intimidating. I was actually surprised how comfortable I was this morning. I think it was the attention to detail that at first impressed me but then gave me the confidence to be comfortable. I arrived at 6:30 this morning. I am used to being at church at that time, but usually that meant that I was opening the doors and turning on the lights. The U was already alive and ready to go. I found I didn't have a whole lot to do besides prepare myself. I had a little help with that as well with someone ready to pray with Charles and me before worship began.
I was in sanctuary worship this morning. The grandeur of sanctuary worship is awe inspiring. It is not just the architecture. I have been in buildings as impressive. It it the way that the building, the furnishing and the people work together. From the hand embroidered kneeling rails to the story-telling stained glass, from the soul-shaking organ to the beautiful choral celebration of the choir, the place was alive with excellence.
I have heard people downplay this level of worship claiming that worship is not supposed to be to be a performance. While it is true that worship does not need to be this complex to honor God, it is also true that God deserves our very best. We should never strive for excellence in other areas of our lives while allowing our worship of the creator of the universe to be mediocre. I also believe that excellent worship can help to bring people into relationship with Christ. What we are commanded to share as Christians is serious business. When we invite people to our church, we are inviting them to accept a life-changing invitation. When we show them that we are serious enough to offer God our very best, it sends a message that this is as important to us as we proclaim.
More soon but overall, first day: pretty cool!
Prepare the Way for the Lord [Paperback]
2 months ago