Where was I? Oh yes, now I sort of remember...
Pastor John ordered me a copy of Christian as Minister. When it came in, I took it home and read it. I think one of the main purposes of the book is to make the point that all Christians are called to ministry and therefore feeling a calling doesn't necessarily mean one is called to full-time Christian vocation. However, after much thought and prayer, I decided I was indeed being called to full-time Christian vocation.
As a side, all this time I was following another piece of advice John have me which was to get more involved in the life of the church and see if I really found it interesting. So, I became a Sunday School Superintendent. (I took attendance, counted the offering and kept the kids out of the hall.) I also signed up for Disciple Bible Study. I was also in the choir and somewhere along the way, I was asked to be a Lay Leader.
I finally went back to John and expressed that I still felt called and I ran into my first official roadblock. It turns out one needs to be a United Methodist for at least two years before one can become what is called a Inquiring Candidate. So I waited...
More soon.
Prepare the Way for the Lord [Paperback]
2 months ago